Each year, Western Australian companies spend a fortune trying to make their business operations more efficient. They use analytics to devise complex formulas for improving outputs and develop strategies to reduce operating costs. While these management tools obviously contribute to running a successful and profitable business, it could be that companies overlook their greatest asset, their people?

Attracting and retaining employees has always been a major workforce planning and development challenge. As specialist HR professionals, we deal with prospective employees every day. We asked them what they valued most about a job, their response may surprise you…

People tell us that salary is important, but there are other elements to employment that rate equal or higher than financial reward. Very few people cite salary as the key factor in deciding to seek a new job.  Key motivators are:

  • job satisfaction
  • feeling valued
  • recognition for their contribution
  • securing a job that aligns with their values and
  • a defined career path with training support

Training is an aspect of the job that can be addressed by regular skills reviews and an ongoing commitment to workforce development. The other factors are more closely aligned to feelings, something you can resolve by actively building an environment or culture of inclusion.

How do you motivate your people?

What’s your strategy for recognising the contribution your people make? Unsurprisingly, the key is to understand the individuals who you work with and adjust your strategy to accommodate their different personality types. Celebratory morning teas, achievement certificates or bonuses are all part of the recognition mix, understanding how people appreciate being rewarded is a different matter.

The quiet achievers

Easy to overlook, quiet achievers may be introverted, so singling them out for praise by making a big announcement in front of their peers could be uncomfortable for them. Recognising their contribution by a private acknowledgement in a one to one meeting is a great way to let them know their contribution is recognised and valued.

Extroverts are engaging

The recognition language for an extrovert is public acknowledgement. Making an announcement in a group environment among their peers will resonate and motivate the extrovert. Feeling valued helps them to remain focused and chase goals.


Often highly competitive, leaders thrive on success. Public recognition where team achievements are celebrated and their role as leaders are acknowledged is a great motivator. Leaders respond well to career development opportunities like training which prepares them to take more responsibility or work towards promotion.

The Collaborators

Collaborators actively assist others to do their job well. They’re the people you pair with a new recruit to make sure they understand their role and how they fit into the organisation. Reliable and responsible, collaborators respond well to certificates or awards that recognise their contribution to team building and meeting company objectives.

Partnering with Cornerstone

Our mission is to assist you to bring out the best in your people. We offer statewide HR assessments and training, helping employers to build work cultures that are productive, respectful, and inclusive. We’re a dynamic team of professionals who have accumulated years of experience in both the private and the public sector. We stand ready to work with small business in Perth and regional WA. To partner with Cornerstone, call us on 08 6150 0043 or contact us by email at info@cornerconsult.com.au