Psychological safety is about creating an environment where employees can speak up, share ideas, ask questions and make mistakes without fear of humiliation or retribution. Creating this type of environment at work supports genuine participation and contribution by all employees who feel valued and respected; which is particularly important for workers from underrepresented groups who may have previously experienced negative consequences and inequities in the workplace.
Employers that champion psychological safety through diversity and inclusive practices are more productive, innovative and engaging. By establishing a diverse workforce, business owners are better able to deliver and meet the needs of a wider range of clients.
Psychologically safe and inclusive workplaces are also more likely to recruit and retain employees from diverse backgrounds, leading to positive outcomes such as innovative problem solving, employees going above and beyond to meet expectations, better customer service, and higher levels of job satisfaction and employee engagement.
Building trust is another key component because when trust is present, employees are more confident to share. This means that employers will have a better understanding of the needs of employees, leading to more informed decision making that will support maximising workforce capability and performance.
All employees should be encouraged to proactively support and demonstrate respectful behaviours at work in order to build a stronger, more flexible and more welcoming work environment. Employers can facilitate opportunities for everyone in the workplace to understand the experiences of people from different diversity groups, particularly those that they may be less familiar with. This helps employees recognise and discard assumptions and stereotypes which may discourage inclusion.
Business owners should also have in place suitable policies and processes that allow employees to raise any concerns surrounding psychological safety and inclusion at work, and be confident that these types of issues are addressed thoroughly, in a timely manner and will be treated fairly and respectfully.
Building a psychologically safe and inclusive workplace requires ongoing effort and participation from both employers and employees, with practical and tangible behaviours required at all levels. Steps business owners can take include:
Our team can assist in developing and implementing systems and processes in your business with the goal of promoting a psychologically safe and inclusive work environment for all employees. Get in touch with our team for an obligation free chat now, we can help.
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