Pending no further COVID-19 local cases, Perth, Peel and the South-West will end its five-day lockdown at 6pm on Friday, 5th February 2021. Although this news is a relief to many businesses, there are a number of restrictions that will come into effect until 12:01am on the 14th February 2021 to facilitate the return to a pre-COVID-19 life for most West Australians.

What are the new restrictions?

The post-lockdown transition period for the Perth and Peel regions include:

  • Wearing a mask when in public and while at work, unless exempt or for vigorous outdoor exercise
  • All businesses can reopen, except for the casino and nightclubs
  • 4 square metre capacity rule in place for businesses and venues, up to a maximum of 150
  • 150-person capacity at all events including weddings, funerals and community sport
  • Seated service only at hospitality venues
  • Dancing only permitted at weddings and dance studios
  • 20-person limit for private indoor and outdoor gatherings
  • Visits to aged care and disability care facilities restricted to compassionate grounds
  • Residential school and boarding facilities can resume with a COVID Safety Plan
  • Only essential travel permitted in and out of the Perth and Peel regions to other parts of WA.

The South-West region is exempt from the transition period restrictions however, a regional border remains in force.

What does this mean for businesses?

Businesses will need to adhere to the new restrictions and ensure that if required, contact registers and the SafeWA app are being used.

Businesses will also need to ensure that all staff, customers, clients, and third parties are wearing a mask at all times unless they are doing vigorous outdoor exercise or that wearing a mask would pose a risk to the persons health and safety.

Does a business need to supply masks to their staff?

Where masks are mandatory, businesses must provide their staff with either reusable or disposable masks. If reusable face masks are provided, businesses must also provide facilities to clean them or, provide an adequate supply of reusable masks so that staff can rotate them and launder them at home.

Masks should be provided with cleaning instructions such as washing daily after use in hot soapy water, and instructions on how to store and transport used masks safely such as in a plastic zip-lock bag.

Businesses must also provide appropriate hygiene amenities for staff to safely put on, remove and dispose of face masks, such as hand washing facilities or alcohol-based hand sanitiser and rubbish bins.

If you’re looking for assistance in supporting your business through the COVID-19 restriction transition, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team, via the chat box here or calling us on 08 6150 0043.

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