Effective leadership looks different across different industries, however, one trait is consistent amongst all good leaders; a high level of self-awareness. Having self-awareness is the ability to identify and manage one’s own emotions, as well as being able to identify and influence the emotions of others. Leaders with self-awareness are attuned to their own actions, emotions and biases, and utilise this important tool in order to effectively lead teams. This is key in emotional intelligence and has proven to be particularly valuable in leadership.
One of the most important characteristics of a self-aware leader is humility. Humility is the correct understanding of oneself, which ultimately leads to a better understanding and appreciation of others. No one person knows everything, including those in managerial and supervisory roles, so it’s important for self-aware leaders to not only acknowledge but endorse this, in order to create an environment where team members feel comfortable accepting their own flaws and asking for help.
Another common trait in self-aware leaders is the continuous drive for improvement. These types of leaders have accountability in recognising their strengths, weaknesses and hidden biases, and consistently seek feedback in order to improve. Simply put, self-aware leaders recognise the value of constant learning and growth, and foster a culture of continuous improvement where constructive feedback is not taken personally.
Self-aware leaders strive for more than individual success. The goal is to utilise their expertise and passion to enact change on a large scale. In order to make a lasting difference, however, good leaders must first use self-awareness to objectively determine areas in need of improvement.
Cornerstone can support businesses to develop these important skills by facilitating 360-degree feedback for leadership teams; with a twist. It combines the best of 360-degree feedback with the simplicity and power of DiSC profiling, providing practical and workable feedback in order to identify the top three strategies the participant should focus on to improve leadership effectiveness.
Where it differs from the usual 360-degree feedback, the use of selectable comments provides raters with an opportunity give focused, balanced and constructive responses, meaning any personal opinions or grievances are able to be set aside in order to provide meaningful feedback. Additionally, the focus remains on what raters want to see more of as opposed to what leaders are doing ‘wrong’, allowing participants to deepen their understanding of their behavioural style and traits, and their leadership preferences and tendencies.
Great leaders help people grow and are vital to the success of any business. If you’re interested in empowering your leadership team by conducting 360-degree feedback, Cornerstone can help. Get in touch now for an obligation free chat.
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