Not only has the COVID-19 pandemic shown that hybrid work on a large scale is possible, but with much of the infrastructure already in place which facilities employees being able to work both at home and in the office, it seems like a no-brainer that businesses would continue to build upon all of the hard work achieved over the past two years. There’s no doubt that transitioning from the standard 9 to 5 office model presented its fair share of challenges, but as businesses move into the future, it’s vital that employers capitalise on flexible working arrangements in order to keep up with the needs and requirements of employees in order to achieve the goals of the organisation.

Higher levels of output and productivity

With the increased flexibility of a hybrid work model, employees typically feel more empowered to realise individual strengths, which has a positive impact on overall productivity. Additionally, the ability to work in an environment that best suits the needs of each employee allows for maximum levels of output, meaning a more efficient and effective way of completing important tasks.

Better employee satisfaction

Some workers may thrive working from home whereas others may need a quiet and distraction-free workspace in an office; and that’s ok. This level of autonomy to work from home or in an office, or a combination of both, increases employee satisfaction as it creates a greater level of trust between the employee and employer. Not to mention, offering flexible working conditions can help to improve work-life balance for those employees who have obligations outside of the workplace, positively impacting employee satisfaction.

More attractive to candidates

As workplace practices and attitudes continue to evolve, collaboration between employees and employers is the key to future success and businesses that position themselves as championing flexible working conditions will be more competitive in the market, and have more bargaining power when it comes to attracting top new talent. Studies suggest that businesses that offer flexible working arrangements are much more attractive to candidates, and in a tough labour market, standing out in the crowd is crucial.

Improved employee mental health

For many, working remotely has had a positive impact on mental health wellbeing. Working from home eliminated a lot of the stressors that came with a more traditional model of work, such as the hassle of commuting or the pressure of putting in more time in the office in order to meet important deadlines. It also allowed employees to explore more opportunities to improve their own health and wellness because of the extra time that this new flexibility provided.

Lower overall costs

In a hybrid office, there’s no need for row after row of assigned desks. Instead, a successful hybrid office incorporates a mixture of versatile spaces designed to support employees across different tasks. Once a company knows how many employees will be in the office at any given time, employers can plan around new occupancy levels to cut down on the cost of rent, office supplies, and other business expenses.

With a large portion of workers across many industries and occupations wanting some form of hybrid work model in the workplace, and the past two years demonstrating it can be done with great success, business owners need to take this into consideration in a bid to secure the health, safety and success of the business and its workers.

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