Now that you have selected the best suited candidate for your advertised role, it is time to present them with a formal offer of employment.

Although your initial offer will most likely be over the phone, it is important to follow up your conversation with the relevant documents to ensure there is a written agreement in place for both the employee and your business.

An offer of employment should contain a few key documents to ensure both you and your new employee are aware of any employment conditions. These documents should include:

  • A written employment contract, detailing employment conditions such as salary, location, working hours and more;
  • A copy of the Fair Work Information Statement detailing the National Employment Standards;
  • Copies of any relevant policies you have in place;
  • Any forms you need completed such as a tax file declaration, choice of superannuation form, uniform order sheet and employee’s personal information for payroll set up.

I’m preparing my offer, but what do I include in an employment contract?

As per our previous blog on ‘Employment Contracts’, a well written contract should contain:

  • Salary, job description, hourly rates, overtime and employee benefits;
  • Applicable notice periods;
  • Communicating performance and role expectations;
  • A minimum required period of notice of resignation by staff;
  • Clauses protecting the employer’s confidential information and intellectual property;
  • Enforceable non-compete or restraint of trade clauses to protect an employer’s legitimate commercial interests, other employees as well as business customers.

These inclusions ensure that ground rules are set between yourself and your employee to minimise any potential conflict over different expectations. A well written contract also enables employees to have better job security and certainty surrounding any benefits such as bonuses, incentives or commissions.

In addition to employees, as an employer you are also protected from certain risks such as intellectual property or confidentiality breaches.

Needing assistance to prepare your offer? Unsure of what to include in an employment contract? Contact one of our HR consultants today!