As a business grows and evolves, the need for different skills and the requirements of roles will likely change.

We can help employers plan for these changes, taking into account the existing skills within the team, and identifying opportunities for developing roles.

We work closely with business owners to implement any necessary changes to roles and teams, and effectively communicate it to the workforce.

Succession planning

The reality is that employees will leave the business, whether due to resigning, retiring, being terminated, getting sick, or death. Therefore, an effective HR strategy should include some form of succession planning.

Whether the owner of a small business or the manager of a large corporation, it is critical to be prepared for these changes.

Wherever possible, and in the event the business has forward visibility of key personnel movements, we would investigate the possibility of replacement from within. This may require cross-training, job shadowing, and formal training (in house or external) to upskill valued employees and provide opportunities for progression in the business.

Understanding key roles within the business and the skills and qualifications required to successfully perform these roles is critical to preparing for the future and creating an effective workforce plan.

Developing and communicating a succession plan can be hugely beneficial and will help to future proof the business for long term success.

Employees will have more confidence in leadership knowing a plan is in place, while seeing defined pathways for individual career advancement will encourage the best talent to stay within the business.