Performance Appraisals are a great way for managers to evaluate their employee’s behaviour, achievements and discuss areas for development or improvement in an objective way. Good appraisals encourage open two-way communication between the employee and the manager and can assist in the development of the relationship.

Performance Appraisals are typically conducted once or twice a year. However, there is a current shift to ongoing discussions through the year between the employee and the manager about performance and growth. The increased frequency in communication has resulted in higher levels of employee engagement, and more meaningful discussions on performance.

Whether you decide to complete Performance Appraisals once a year, bi-annually, monthly or weekly, ensure that it is consistent and the employee knows what to expect.



Topics to consider for discussion in a Performance Appraisal:

  • What have been the employee’s key achievements, and how did achieve them
  • Confirm your employee knows what is required and expected of them in their role
  • Consider what strengths they bring to the business, and what areas you can use these strengths
  • Discuss the employee’s objectives for the future. Consider if these are consistent with the businesses objectives, values and goals
  • Consider areas of growth, and how development can assist with their progress. This can be through training or mentoring
  • Establish performance standards. Appraisals are a great time to review position descriptions and KPI’s
  • Set Goals for your employee. Consider SMART Goals:
    • Specific, clear and understandable
    • Measurable, verifiable and results oriented
    • Attainable, yet sufficiently challenging
    • Relevant to the mission of the department or organization
    • Time-bound with a schedule and specific milestones
  • Always allow your employee to provide feedback. Just remember there maybe things that managers could improve on too.

Performance Appraisals don’t have to be a daunting task. If you need guidance or support in developing an appraisal process in your business, Cornerstone HR can help you. Contact our specialist team for a non-obligation chat today.